Wheelie Bin Cleaning FAQs

Q: How much does it cost to have a wheelie bin cleaned?
A: Our regular cleaning is fortnightly at £4 per bin. One off cleaning is £14 as the first or one time cleaning takes about 6 times longer than a regular clean.

Q: How often should I clean my wheelie bin?
A: For the general waste food bin, it’s recommended to clean your wheelie bin every two weeks as food is decomposing and creating odors which attracts flies, who then lay eggs which create maggots. Your recycle bin can be cleaned every 4 weeks.

Q: How can I clean my wheelie bin?
A: You can use a pressure washer to clean the inside of your bin. You can also mix white vinegar, liquid dish soap, and water, pour it into the bin, and use a nylon string mop to clean. It is important to clean it regularly.

Q: What should I avoid putting in my wheelie bin?
A: Avoid putting hazardous chemicals, like solvents, paints, or oils, in your bin. These materials can contaminate the ground and waterways. You should also avoid putting medical waste, like needles, syringes, or expired pills, in your bin.

Q: What can I do to avoid odors and maggots?
A: Certain items should be bagged or double bagged, these are childrens nappies, pet waste, chicken carcuses, fish and other foods that have a strong odor.

Q: Do I need to be home when my bin is cleaned?
A: No, you don’t need to be home when your bin is cleaned, just make sure we can identify your bin on the first clean so we don’t clean the wrong bin.

Q: What are the benefits of getting my bin cleaned?
A: Regular cleaning prevents pest infestations and bacteria contamination, and it eliminates foul odors.


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