
Fly Infestation

fly infestationThe most common calls we get is about a fly infestation or maggots in bin and the person is worried about what to do about it.

Almost all the people who ring are embarrassed when they call as they think it reflects on them. When they realise that certain factors are at work which you can do nothing,  they don’t feel as bad.

The factors I am talking about is the changeable British weather and the fact that most local authorities now operate a Fortnightly collection service.
With the best will in the world, if you put food in your bin , particularly meat or high odour foods like fish in the early days after it has been emptied, that food is going to sit there for 10-14 days before it gets emptied again.

Flies are attracted to to the smell and want to lay their eggs in an environment where their children will thrive. 🙂 maggots and flies

A female fly only has an approximate 1 month lifespan, however she can lay up to 500 eggs in that time. Now consider that a smelly bin doesn’t attract only one fly, you can imagine that just a handful of flies can lay literally thousands of eggs and each will become maggots and then flies.

We find that this is a continual problem that people face unless they take action to prevent it with regular cleaning and disinfecting to ensure that any eggs laid are killed and the bin is not attracting new female flies to lay eggs.

Other preventative measures are to bag or even double-bag any foods that you think might cause a problem until your next emptying cycle.

If you would like to book a clean, click here



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