
Do Fruit Flies Carry Disease?

Fruit flies can be found anywhere in warm temperature areas where fruits and vegetables are available. The presence of fruit flies can raise some concerns for health and we’re here to answer those concerns. So, do fruit flies carry diseases? Yes, fruit flies carry various bacteria that can develop into transmittable diseases. Contact with fruit

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Are Fruit Flies Harmful?

Fruit flies are the type of insect that can be difficult to avoid. Knowing this, some people may fear the potential harm that they can bring. There goes the question, is there any reason we should be afraid of them? Find out the answers here. So, are fruit flies harmful? Yes, fruit flies can be

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Maggots: How to get rid of maggots, maggots in bin, how do maggots show up

Maggots found around the house and around bins are generally the larvae of bluebottles and common houseflies . If you have maggots in your house or in your wheelie bin then it is likely that something has attracted the adult flies that have laid their eggs. Below is an image of the lifecycle from eggs,

Maggots: How to get rid of maggots, maggots in bin, how do maggots show up Read More »

How To Get Rid Of Flies

Through the bulk of the globe there are an assortment of flies, each as big a pain as the last. Troubles with flies are exacerbated throughout the summertime months yet as Houseflies and Blow Flies often come to the house more during summertime, vexing home owners. Company owners also must command their coverage to flies

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